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Infertility treatment

Have courage: according to WHO standardisation, infertility is a curable illness!

Zdrav način življenja v boju proti neplodnosti

Treatment of infertility without BAP

When treating infertility, we always start with simple solutions and then move on to more complex treatments.

Even before the procedures of BAP, there are several treatment options that can help you get pregnant.

These are:

  • healthy lifestyle
  • hormonal treatment
  • surgical treatment.
OBMP oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo

Infertility treatment with BAP

The abbreviation BAP stands for


For some couples, this is the path to the desired child.

Potrditev nosečnosti

Confirmation of pregnancy

If menstruation is absent or two (2) weeks after embryo transfer, the woman takes an at-home pregnancy test.


If the pregnancy test is positive, a pregnancy ultrasound is ordered.


For more information about a positive pregnancy test after pregnancy with BAP, see the bottom of the page here.

Make an appointment

Schedule an appointment at ZCD clinic to discuss treatment options